
7 Top Reasons for Eating More Often (Instead of Eating Less)

eating more can be healthyIn this article we will explore top reasons for eating more often (of specific foods) – instead of eating less.

Eating junk food and not exercising leads to obesity and a range of other diseases. For example, illnesses such as diabetes and strokes are more common if you’re overweight.

However, sometimes losing weight isn’t always the best option. It depends on your circumstances. If you’re taking specific medicines or are always tired and fatigued, it might be better to eat a little more. Hooray!

However, before you take this as a blank check, you should carry on reading.

7 Top Reasons for Eating More Often

Below are the times when eating more frequently is healthy.

  • Important Warning #1: Other than the following exceptions, you should try and prevent putting on fat at all times.
  • Important Warning #2: Please talk to your doctor about all of these health issues and ideas. Every person is different – and your body might have particularly unique needs and weaknesses.

1. Hypoglycemia

If you have low blood sugar, you may have hypoglycemia.

Often low blood sugar is linked to diabetes. But you can also have  hypoglycemia and not have diabetes.

You could have it because of hormonal issues, excessive alcohol intake or a range of serious health issues.

If your blood sugar drops within 4 hours of eating a meal, then you’re suspect for having reactive hypoglycemia. This happens when you create too much insulin after eating.

If you have hypoglycemia, you will want to eat more frequently.

In partocular you will want to eat a healthy breakfast first thing in the morning – because your blood sugar might have dropped during the night! Plus, you should also not skip lunch or dinner. And you will want to eat small snacks in between meals. Make sure these snacks are not too sugary and that they include carbs and proteins.

2. Constipation

When you are suffering from constipation you will want to…

  • drink more water
  • eat more high fiber foods

The combo of both of these will help to get your system moving along.

In some ways, this reminder is more about drinking more frequently than eating more frequently.

But… it’s also key you eat a lot more fiber – because it adds both “bulk” and “softness” to your stool.

Try eating more of the following…

  • Dried fruits: prunes, dates, apricots
  • Regular fruits: papaya and pineapple
  • Veggies: kale, broccoli and spinach
  • Whole grains: brown rice, quinoa, barley
  • Seeds: chia, flaxseed, psyllium

food is information for your dna3. Sarcopenia

When the body gets older, you want to avoid something called Sarcopenia – which is age related muscle loss.

It’s normal when you age for your body to produce less testosterone (both in men and women). Testosterone is the hormone that regulates muscle mass, so it’s not rare to lose definition as you age.

But, you don’t want to look like a skeleton in clothes walking around the supermarket. As a result, you need to make sure you’re eating enough.

If you feel you’re suspect for Sarcopenia, you don’t want to get too skinny. So, try eating more foods which are loaded up with…

  • high quality protein
  • omega 3 fats
  • high vitamin D levels

In my book Life is Long I also share a range of the best foods to eat to slow down the aging process and prevent age related diseases and dementia. Learn more here!

4. Getting Stacked

We live in a society where muscles are sexy, so it’s easy to tell why people want a six-pack, toned legs and big arms. To be stacked is to stand out from the crowd and to show off, and there is nothing wrong with it. After all, it’s an excellent way to regulate your health even if the results are vanity-driven. 

What makes putting on muscle even better is the fact that you need to put on weight first.

The trick, according to the specialists: Eat double the normal daily calorie intake per day.


It’s because it’s essential to build muscle mass even if there is a layer of fat on top.

After you have the desired amount, you can start stripping the fat away and, voila – you’re ripped.

The idea of eating 3,500 extra calories per week is enough to make anyone want to pump iron.

Another alternative is to incorporate ashwagandha into your diet.

Studies show that it leads to increased strength and growth if you consume as much as 750mg per day for thirty days.

The great thing about replacing fat with muscle is that the latter is leaner, so you’ll lose inches as well as calories.

when you're tired eat specific foods5. Fatigue

Do you feel like your get up and go got up and left? Usually, it’s your blood sugar that impacts your energy levels, which is why it’s important to keep your blood sugar levels relatively high. 

You will need to eat more foods which serve as fuel for your body!

Try the following…

  • avocado:  It’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, healthy fats – and lots of fiber to keep your blood sugar stable!
  • watermelon (and other water containing foods) : Watermelon is 90% water – and sometimes you’re tired because you’re dehydrated.
  • almonds: They’re a high protein snack- and loaded with fiber to keep your blood sugar stable!
  • bee pollen: It’s considered a super food – and it’s high in B vitamins, amino acids, and an antioxidant called rutin  – which is famous for helping to create healthy blood vessels and fight inflammation.
  •  75% cocoa : It’s a yummy instant energy boost. And it’s good for the heart. (Note: Moderation is key!)

6. Steroid Treatment

Steroids are an effective form of treatment for a variety of issues. Today, it’s not rare for normal people, men and women who aren’t athletes, to take a hit to help control their bodies. For example, if you have asthma or arthritis, you will probably use an inhaler or take tablets packed with steroids.

Unfortunately, they tend to make people feel hungry by boosting their appetite. Without an increase in exercise, using these medicines will lead to weight gain in the long-term, especially if the dose is high.

Of course, when it’s between your health and comfort and carrying extra weight, the emphasis should be on the former. There is a reason you have an inhaler to help ease your asthma symptoms – it’s risky. Something even more dangerous is stopping your treatment halfway through because you’re worried about weight gain.

Of course, if you do think it will be a problem later in life, you can always take action. As well as working out harder for longer to combat the weight gain, you can watch what you eat. Being careful about the foods you put in your body should help to prevent weight gain even on steroid medication.

7. Marathon Running

Running a marathon is seen as the ultimate test of a person’s endurance. To complete 26 miles while in terrible pain is a magnificent achievement (for some reason!). But, it takes a lot to prepare for, and that means putting on extra weight to help you get to the end.

The reasoning is two-fold:

  • food you eat
  • energy your body burns

During long-distance races, the muscles need instant shots of energy to keep working, which is why they burn ATP.

The best way to get it is to stock up on complex carbs such as pasta. Because they are starchy and full of sugar, they turn into fat more easily than most foods and lead to weight gain.

Still, the chances of completing a marathon without the puppy fat are slim, so you shouldn’t worry about it.

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